Social Media Manager
Year: Senior
Major: Animal Science Dairy Management
Hometown: Danvers, MA
Who's your cow?
Hopper, 1097
What's your favorite thing about her?
Hopper is always so friendly from the comfort of her stall and enjoys being brushed, yet as soon as she steps up to the parlor no one stands a chance. I love her stubbornness and refusal to conform to the milking parlor (up until she inspires her friends to do the same).
Tell us about your previous animal husbandry experience.
The majority of my animal experience has happened here at UNH. I grew up in the suburbs where the only cows were at our local ice cream shop, so everything hands-on with animals has happened during my UNH career and I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to take classes like PEEP and large animal behavior and handling!
Why did you decide to do CREAM?
As much as I can learn on paper taking exams on dairy management or from traveling to different operations on dairy travel course, nothing can truly prepare you for working with cows like actually running a dairy farm!
What are your hopes and goals for the year?
I hope to become well versed in all of the different odds and ends on the farm so one day I can raise my own cattle based on my own personal experiences and keep them happy and comfortable. I can’t wait to see all that my classmates accomplish as well!
What do you do when you're not in the barn?
Outside of the barn I work at a bakery in Durham! I bake a lot of sugar cookies as well as making pounds of frosting a day, which is slightly different from moving cows around and driving a Jaylor. I also love to spend time outside of school traveling and have driven across country twice in the last two years! I love seeing all of the sights and being in nature while also pointing out all of the cattle I see on pasture along the way.